Queridos amigos, familia, colegas
En este difícil momento del brote de COVID-19, sabemos que muchas personas están sufriendo emocional y mentalmente. Por ello, la Fundación Cerebro y Mente está llevando a cabo un estudio para determinar cómo este brote afecta a los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en la población española (los infectados, los no infectados o los no probados). Un mes después de que se hayan levantado las restricciones de aislamiento, volveremos a evaluar estos síntomas, para ver si han mejorado.
Les invitamos a ayudarnos con este importante estudio. Es importante que entendamos cómo la pandemia y el aislamiento social influyen en la salud mental. Queremos ver qué factores ayudan a las personas a sobrellevar mejor la situación y qué factores hacen que las personas sean más susceptibles de desarrollar ansiedad y síntomas depresivos. Esta información nos ayudará a desarrollar estrategias de tratamiento para después del COVID-19. También nos proporcionará pautas para la atención de la salud mental durante futuras pandemias.
Por favor, envíen el enlace al mayor número de personas posible y mantengámonos unidos y ayudemos a mejorar la salud mental en España.
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Relevance of Staging Psychotic disorders as a Paradigm-shift for understanding disease progression and stage-dependent treatment.
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Vol.10 Staging Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Implications for Etiopathogenesis and Treatment
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June 2013 |
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Also found within the publication, are contributions presented at the meeting held in Mojácar in 2009.
Tabla de contenidos
Part I Clinical Staging in the Pathophysiology of Psychotic and Affective Disorders: Facilitation of Prognosis and Treatment
- Regional Differences in the Action of Antipsychotic Drugs: Implications for Cognitive Effects in Schizophrenic Patients
Richard J. Beninger, Tyson W. Baker, Matthew M. Florczynski and Tomek J. Banasikowski - Staging in Neuropsychiatry: A Heuristic Model for Understanding, Prevention and Treatment
Patrick D. McGorry - Brain Imaging in Early Stages of Psychosis: From the at Risk Mental State to First Episode
Philip McGuire - Mechanisms of Illness Progression in the Recurrent Affective Disorders
Robert M. Post - Neurocognitive Indicators of Clinical High-Risk States for Psychosis: A Critical Review of the Evidence
Ralf Pukrop and Joachim Klosterkötter - Apathy in Neuropsychiatric Disease: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment
Thomas N. Chase - Staging Bipolar Disorder
Eduard Vieta, M. Reinares and A.R. Rosa - Inflammatory Biomarkers and Depression
Norbert Müller, Aye-Mu Myint and Markus J. Schwarz - Does Higher Potency of Cannabis Mean Higher Risk for Psychosis?
Marta Di Forti, Alessandra Paparelli, Paola Casadio and Robin M. Murray - 5-HT2A Polymorphisms and Negative Symptoms Response to Antipsychotic Treatment: Evidence of Association in First Episode Psychosis Patients
Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, Maria Jesús Arranz, Ignacio Mata, Javier Vázquez- Bourgon, Rocío Pérez-Iglesias, Laura Medina-González, José María Pelayo- Terán, Eugenio Carrasco-Marín, José Luis Vázquez-Barquero - Staging of Cognitive Impairment, Incidence of Dementia, and Mortality Risk: Preliminary Results with a Simply Method Based on the Mini Mental Status Examination
Antonio Lobo, Raúl López-Antón, Concepción de-La Cámara, Miguel Ángel Quintanilla, Antonio Campayo, Javier Santabarbara, Tirso Ventura, Andrés Martín, Pedro Saz, and Guillermo Marcos - Circadian Rhythms in the Physiopathology of Depression: A New Opportunity of Therapeutic Approach
Cecilio Álamo and Francisco López-Muñoz
Part II Staging Perspectives in Neurodevelopmental Aspects of Neuropsychiatry: Agents, Phases and Ages at Expression
- Adolescent Maturation of Cortical Dopamine
Patricio O´Donnell - Amyloid-b Precursor Protein Induces Glial Differentiation of Neural Progenitor Cells by Activation of the IL-6/gp130 Signaling Pathway
Young-Don Kwak, Elise Dantuma, Stephanie Merchant, Sergey Bushnev and Kiminobu Sugaya - Stereotypic Progressions in Psychotic Behavior
Richard M. Kostrzewa, John P. Kostrzewa, Rose Anna Kostrzewa, Florence P. Kostrzewa, Ryszard Brus, Przemyslaw Nowak - Diabetes Type II: A Risk Factor for Depression–Parkinson–Alzheimer?
Peter Riederer, Jasmin Bartl, Gerd Laux, Edna Grünblatt - Progression of Atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease and Related Disorders
Jennifer L. Whitwell - Neurodevelopment and Learning in Adolescence: Relevance to Staging
of psychiatric disorders
David Sturman and Bita Moghaddam - Mild Cognitive Impairment: A 5-Year Follow-Up and Imaging Study
J.A. Lonie, U.G. Kalu, C.E. Sexton, C.E. Mackay, M. Bastin, E. Terriére, R.E. O’Carroll, K.P. Ebmeier - The Neural Circuitry of Autism
Aysenil Belger, Kimberly L. H. Carpenter, Gunes Yucel, and Katherine M. Cleary
Part III Epigenetics and Biomarkers in the Staging of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
- Dopamine System Dysregulation by the Ventral Subiculum as the Common
Pathophysiological Basis for Schizophrenia Psychosis, Psychostimulant Abuse, and Stress
Anthony A. Grace - Persistence of Long-Term Memory Storage: New Insights into its Molecular
Signatures in the Hippocampus and Related Structures
Pedro Bekinschtein, Cynthia Katche, Leandro Slipczuk, Carolina Gonzalez, Guido Dorman, Martín Cammarota, Iván Izquierdo, Jorge H. Medina - Epigenetically Regulated Imprinted Genes and Foetal Programming
Eric B. Keverne - Regulation of AMPA Receptor Trafficking in the Nucleus Accumbens
By Dopamine and Cocaine
Marina E. Wolf - Inhibition of Actin Polymerization Prevents Cocaine-induced Changes in Spine Morphology in the Nucleus Accumbens
Shigenobu Toda, Haowei Shen, Peter W. Kalivas - Decision-Making, Behavioral Supervision and Learning: An Executive Role for the Ventral Premotor Cortex?
C. Acuña, J.L. Pardo-Vázquez, V. Leborán - Antipsychotic Induced Changes in Striatal D2 Receptors in Schizophrenia: in Vivo Evidence from Dopamine Depletion Studies
Anissa Abi-Dargham, Larry Kegeles, Mark Slifstein and Marc Laruelle - The ANKK1 Protein Associated with Addictions has Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Localization and Shows a Differential Response of Ala239Thr to Apomorphine
E. Garrido, T. Palomo, G. Ponce, I. García-Consuegra, M. A. Jiménez-Arriero, and J. Hoenicka - Synaptic and Nuclear Localizations of the G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR88
Renaud Massart, Jorge Diaz, and Pierre Sokoloff
Part IV Staging Neurodegenerative Disorders: Structural, Regional, Biomarker, and Functional Progressions
- Cortical and Sub-Cortical Effects in Primate Models of Cocaine Use:
Implications for Addiction and the Increased Risk of Psychiatric Illness
Charles W. Bradberry - Critical Age Windows for Neurodevelopmental Psychiatric Disorders:
Evidence from Animal Models
Eva M. Marco, Simone Macrí, Giovanni Laviola - Immaturities in Incentive Processing and Executive Function in Adolescence
Charles Geier, Aarthi Padmanabhan, and Beatriz Luna - Alpha-Synucleinopathy and Neuropsychological Symptoms in a Population- Based Cohort of the Elderly
J. Zaccai, C. Brayne, F.E. Matthews, P.G. Ince
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