Queridos amigos, familia, colegas
En este difícil momento del brote de COVID-19, sabemos que muchas personas están sufriendo emocional y mentalmente. Por ello, la Fundación Cerebro y Mente está llevando a cabo un estudio para determinar cómo este brote afecta a los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en la población española (los infectados, los no infectados o los no probados). Un mes después de que se hayan levantado las restricciones de aislamiento, volveremos a evaluar estos síntomas, para ver si han mejorado.
Les invitamos a ayudarnos con este importante estudio. Es importante que entendamos cómo la pandemia y el aislamiento social influyen en la salud mental. Queremos ver qué factores ayudan a las personas a sobrellevar mejor la situación y qué factores hacen que las personas sean más susceptibles de desarrollar ansiedad y síntomas depresivos. Esta información nos ayudará a desarrollar estrategias de tratamiento para después del COVID-19. También nos proporcionará pautas para la atención de la salud mental durante futuras pandemias.
Por favor, envíen el enlace al mayor número de personas posible y mantengámonos unidos y ayudemos a mejorar la salud mental en España.
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IX Curso Teórico-Práctico Intensivo de actualización en Terapia Electroconvulsiva
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Vol.9 Beyond Neuropsychiatric Diagnostics:Symptoms not Disorders
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June 2009 |
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Also found within the publication, are contributions presented at the meeting held in Mazagón in 2007.
Tabla de contenidos
PART 1. Focus on Symptoms, Not Diagnoses in Brain Dysfunction
- Symptom Veracity and Diagnostic Veniality in Brain Dysfunction: Conscious and Nonconscious Expression in Impulsiveness and Decision-making TOMÁS PALOMO, RICHARD J. BENINGER, RICHARD M. KOSTRZEWA and TREVOR ARCHER
- Affective Personality as Cognitive-emotional Presymptom Profiles Regulatory for Self-reported Health Predispositions TREVOR ARCHER, BIRGITTA ADOLFSSON and ERICA KARLSSON
- Clinical Perspectives on the Genetics of Schizophrenia: a Bottom-up Orientation WILLEM M.A. VERHOEVEN and SIEGFRIED TUINIER
- Brain Iron Deficiency and Excess; Cognitive Impairment and Neurodegeneration with Involvement of Striatum and Hippocampus MOUSSA B.H. YOUDIM
- Dopaminergic Mechanisms of Reward-Related Incentive Learning: Focus on the Dopamine D3 Receptor RICHARD J. BENINGER and TOMEK J. BANASIKOWSKI
- Developing Translational Animal Models for Symptoms of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Mania MARK A. GEYER
- Dopamine Dysfunction in Motor Abnormalities Linked to Neurological Diseases and Psychiatric Disorders MANFRED GERLACH, PETER RIEDERER, C. MEHLER-WEX and ANDREAS WARNKE
PART 2. Schizopsychotic Symptom-Profiles & Biomarkers
- Schizopsychotic Symptom-profiles and Biomarkers: Beacons in Diagnostic Labyrinths TOMÁS PALOMO, RICHARD M. KOSTRZEWA, RICHARD J. BENINGER and TREVOR ARCHER
- Hippocampal Dysfunction and Disruption of Dopamine System Regulation in an Animal Model of Schizophrenia DANIEL J. LODGE and ANTHONY A. GRACE
- What is the Mechanism whereby Cannabis Use increases Risk of Psychosis? SONIJA LUZI, PAUL D. MORRISON, JOHN POWELL, MARTA DI FORTI and ROBIN M. MURRAY
- Chromosome Abnormalities, Mental Retardation and the Search for Genes in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia D.H.R. BLACKWOOD, T. THIAGARAJAH, P. MALLOY, B.S. PICKARD and W.J. MUIR
- Dopamine Receptor Supersensitivity: Development, Mechanisms, Presentation and Clinical Applicability RICHARD M. KOSTRZEWA, JOHN P. KOSTRZEWA, RUSSELL W. BROWN, PRZEMYSLAW NOWAK and RYSZARD BRUS
- NMDA Antagonist and Antipsychotic Actions in Cortico-subcortical Circuits LUCILA KARGIEMAN, NOEMI SANTANA, GUADALUPE MENGOD, PAU CELADA and FRANCESC ARTIGAS
- Clinical Correlates of Dopamine Dysfunction: Implications for Schizophrenia ANISSA ABI-DARGHAM, LARRY KEGELES, MARK SLIFSTEIN and MARC LARUELLE
PART 3. Affective Status and Impulsive, Motor & Motivational Symptoms
- Affective Status in Relation to Impulsive, Motor and Motivational Symptoms: Personality, Development & Physical Exercise TOMÁS PALOMO, RICHARD J. BENINGER, RICHARD M. KOSTRZEWA and TREVOR ARCHER
- Dopamine and Reward: The Anhedonia Hypothesis 30 years on ROY A. WISE
- A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Individual Differences in Sensitivity to Reward C. AVILA, M.A. PARCET and A. BARRÓS-LOSCERTALES
- Addiction as a Pathology in Prefrontal Cortical Regulation of Corticostriatal Habit Circuitry PETER W. KALIVAS
- Mental Disorder and Early Life Trauma: Symptom Profiles I. REID, L. TRELIVING and A. LOWIT
- Animal Models and Mechanisms of Impulsivity in Adolescence WALTER ADRIANI and GIOVANNI LAVIOLA
- Adult Brain and Behavioral Effect of Early Life Maternal Deprivation A.A. MATHÉ, A. EL KHOURY, S.H.M. GRUBER, H. HUSUM, G. WORTWEIN and C. ARLINDE
- Neuroimaging Studies of Bipolar Disorder: Towards Identification of Disease Biomarkers MARY L. PHILLIPS
PART 4. Cognitive Symptoms and Diagnoses in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
- Cognitive Symptoms Facilitatory for Diagnoses in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Executive Functions and Locus of Control TREVOR ARCHER, RICHARD M. KOSTRZEWA, RICHARD J. BENINGER and TOMÁS PALOMO
- Cell and Receptor Type-Specific Alterations in Markers of GABA Neurotransmission in Prefrontal Cortex of Subjects with Schizophrenia DAVID A. LEWIS, TAKANORI HASHIMOTO and HARVEY M. MORRIS
- Comparing the Prefrontal Cortex of Rats and Primates: Insights from Electrophysiology JEREMY K. SEAMANS, CHRISTOPHER C. LAPISH and DANIEL DURSTEWITZ
- Non-Cognitive Psychopathological Symptoms Associated with Incident Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia, Alzheimer’s Type ANTONIO LOBO, RAÚL LÓPEZ-ANTÓN, CONCEPCIÓN DE-LACÁMARA, MIGUEL ÁNGEL QUINTANILLA, ANTONIO CAMPAYO, PEDRO SAZ and ZARADEMP WORKGROUP
- The Molecular Cascades of Long-term Potentiation underlie Memory Consolidation of One-Trial Avoidance in the CA1 Region of the Dorsal Hippocampus, but not in the Basolateral Amygdala or the Neocortex IVÁN IZQUIERDO, LIA R.M. BEVILAQUA, JANINE I. ROSSATO, WEBER C. DA SILVA, JULIANA. BONINI, JORGE H. MEDINA and MARTÍN CAMMAROTA
- Reconsolidation and the Fate of Consolidated Memories LIA R. BEVILAQUA, JORGE H. MEDINA, IVÁN IZQUIERDO, and MARTÍN CAMMAROTA
- Is Type of Cognitive Impairment Specific to Different Psychosis Diagnoses? M. MAYORAL, A. ZABALA, J. MERCHAN-NARANJO and C. ARANGO
- From Integrative and Behavioral Neurosciences to Experimental Psychopatholgy. Theoretical Considerations MICHEL LE MOAL, MURIEL KOEHL, MONIQUE VALLEE, VALERIE LEMAIRE, STEFANIA MACCARI, and NORA ABROUS
- An Experimental Model for the Study of Cognitive Disorders: Hippocampal and Associative Learning in Mice JOSÉ M. DELGADO-GARCÍA and AGNÈS GRUART
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